So about a week ago Mike Laverick  posted on the VMware communities forms here.

Basically its asking for VMware to restart a program they had several years ago called VMTN. Similar the the Microsoft Technet subscriptions. I can say that without my technet subscription my job would be a lot more difficult. I am able to test out different configurations in my home lab both for studying and proof of concept.

If you support the idea please go over to http://communities.vmware.com/thread/335123and post your support.

I would however ask that you don’t just put +1 in you comment but also put down why you think it would be good or a suggestion of how it could be done.

My post
This is a really good idea and VMware could really push their products forward.
I think a layered approach/pricing would be the most successful/fair, for example:
VMTN – VIRT: Only the hypervisor and related products.
  • vSphere, Update Manager, ESXi Enterprise Plus (2 or 4 sockets and current memory limits), vShield, workstation/Fusion, vCloud Products
VMTN – VIRT + DT: The hypervisor and end user focused.
  • vSphere, Update Manager, ESXi Enterprise Plus (2 or 4 sockets and current memory limits), Workstation/Fusion, View, Ace, vCloud Products
  • Access to all the VMware products, maybe access to the beta products.
This could help people at different stages in their certification/careers.
VMware, lets get this done. It will help you and the community.


So thats my first VMUG over.
The night before (2nd of November) VEEAM were holding a vCurry (networking) event. It was a lot of fun. Also met Duncan Epping of yellow-bricks fame. I have been reading his blog for a while so I went over and introduced myself and chatted with him and Andre Beukes (http://www.virtualiseeverything.com)for a few minutes before heading off.
It was a really good day. It was at the Motorcycle museum just outside Birmingham.

The keynote by Joe Baguley was quite informative. I will definitely be looking into Project Octopus. It’s interesting to see how VMware are always trying to look forward and what they think will be next.
Having a few minutes after the keynote I wondered over to Simon Gallagher to ask if I could watch some of the VCDX hopefuls testdrive their presentations and managed to get myself talked into test driving my own.
After that I attended a presentation by Xangati (https://www.xangati.com). The product came across really well and I’ll be asking the network team to have a look. Then on to a Q&A session with Duncan Epping and Lee Dilworth.
When the Q&A finished I made my way down to lunch and presented my design to Duncan Epping and Simon Gallagher. I don’t think the questions were unfair but I did slip up at one point when I wrongly thought something was a supported configuration.
I skipped the next round of talks as they were vendor focused and spent some time walking around the exhibition floor talking to the reps at the various stands.
The last session I attended was by Simon Gallagher. He talked about his lab setup and why it was good to have one.

I would recommend attending a VMUG to any IT person with even a passing interest in IT.