Basically its asking for VMware to restart a program they had several years ago called VMTN. Similar the the Microsoft Technet subscriptions. I can say that without my technet subscription my job would be a lot more difficult. I am able to test out different configurations in my home lab both for studying and proof of concept.
I would however ask that you don’t just put +1 in you comment but also put down why you think it would be good or a suggestion of how it could be done.
My post
“This is a really good idea and VMware could really push their products forward.
I think a layered approach/pricing would be the most successful/fair, for example:
VMTN – VIRT: Only the hypervisor and related products.
- vSphere, Update Manager, ESXi Enterprise Plus (2 or 4 sockets and current memory limits), vShield, workstation/Fusion, vCloud Products
VMTN – VIRT + DT: The hypervisor and end user focused.
- vSphere, Update Manager, ESXi Enterprise Plus (2 or 4 sockets and current memory limits), Workstation/Fusion, View, Ace, vCloud Products
- Access to all the VMware products, maybe access to the beta products.
This could help people at different stages in their certification/careers.
VMware, lets get this done. It will help you and the community.