Once again, I had hoped to blog more this year but as these things happen I haven’t been able to.
However I have been working hard at getting my certs done. I passed the VCAP4-DCA which was an amazing feeling. I had almost given up on the process as it was very time consuming. My wife has been very supportive which has really helped.

So with the release of the VCAP5-DCD and the imminent release of the VCAP5-DCA I have decided to go for the VCDX on the vSphere 5 track. I will probably use the design that I put together for my office.
For those of you wanting to go for the VCDX certification has a look at http://vcdxwannabe.com/. It looks like it is going to be a good community for people after the same thing and when I last checked there were a few VCDX’s on there too.
The VCDX’s I have met have been really friendly and have always been approachable, answering any questions I have (and there have been plenty).
There is also the question of whether or not to try to be recognised as a vExpert. The vExpert is not a certification but more of recognition by VMware of an individual’s contribution to the community.
So anyway ramblings aside, I have reading to do.