Nested Home Lab – Part 14 – Enabling VSAN.

We’ve done all the hard work. Now you’ll see how easy it is to actually enable VSAN. Once this is done you’ll have a lab ready to go.

  1. Log in using an account that has permission to configure the environment.Lic-1
  2. Select Home and Hosts and Clusters.AH-1
  3. Expand the Cluster you want to enable VSAN on. Select Manager, Select Settings,  Select (under Virtual SANGeneral, Select Edit.Add_VSAN_01
  4. Check Turn on Virtual SAN. Change the Add disks to storage to Automatic. Click OKAdd_VSAN_02
  5. You should now have a functioning VSAN cluster. Add_VSAN_04

NOTE: You will initially see the error below. Its normal and should clear in a minute or two. If it doesn’t you need to go back and edit your networking.Add_VSAN_03And that’s it. You can now load some VM’s and start testing. In earlier posts I recommended a couple of Linux distro’s, however I have been playing about with Photon and its a really good light weight alternative.

Have fun labbing!

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