VCDX – Here we go.

The first of the VCDX defense dates for 2016 have been announced and in the last week a new round of VCDX’s have received their emails and a big congratulations to all of them

I’ve been looking forward to the new 2016 dates for a while. This gives me a time frame to get all the requirements together.

If all goes according to plan I’m hoping  to defend in the last week of April but that means I need to submit but the 11th of February. which is only three short months away and I still have a huge amount to get together.

As I work through various part of my design I’ll be tracking my progress through this blog.

Designs that are your own are easier to justify, or are they? Take one of your own designs (as I’ve done with this one), and try to look at it with fresh eyes. It’s yours, yes, but can you really quantify every decision to a third-party. Why have you chosen to ignore LACP, why aren’t you using resource pools, why have you used the windows deployment of vCenter server instead of the appliance. iSCSI vs NFS. 5 Hosts, really, why not 3 larger hosts instead? Want to bring in VVOLs, have you spoken with the storage team to find out if it can fit with their vision? Why, Why, Why?

All of the above and more needs to be worked through. The foundation of my design is one that I have done for the company I currently work for. It is a two DC deployment with SRM to replicate between them. My submission will be partly fictitious as I want to take what I currently have and update it.  I’ll need to go through and look at every decision and document it.

I understand that this will be a huge undertaking but I am looking forward to it. Most importantly I have the support of my family.

Now, I need a mentor…

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